Book Self-Publishing Services

Agora Books Author House in association with offers the following services to authors –


It’s vital for authors to generate a buzz about their book months before a manuscript is ready to be published as part of an effective sales strategy. We call this process “pre-marketing”.

Our pre-marketing services that we provide authors includes ISBN registration along with the design and creation of book websites; author blogs; and the writing and publishing of informative and engaging promotional reviews. In addition we can also prepare high quality news releases for circulation and publishing on top Canadian news sites as well as U.S. newspaper, magazine and TV news sites.

Search Engine Marketing

If you seek to be interviewed by reporters and journalists it is vital that you boost your online presence at all levels. This includes social media marketing through sites like Facebook and Twitter within a broader strategy of getting content published about your books on many different sites with good ‘Domain Authority’ that will in turn “hyperlink” to your book website or author blog where your book is featured.

In so doing, your book will get better search engine visibility online toward better book sales as a result of readers being able to find information about your book online through related keyword searches.

Manuscript Evaluation

Writers who seek our hands-on services should first send us an excerpt of her or his manuscript so we can recommend how much editing or other kinds of services we can provide the writer.

Copy editing or ‘Substantive Editing’

Writers can choose from detailed copy editing restricted to grammatical corrections, typos and/or syntax. Alternatively, our substantive editing service provides more detailed recommendations on the overall structuring of content.  These can include plot sequences and character development in fiction books.

Professional Typesetting and Graphic Design

Too often authors ignore ensuring that their book meets professional typesetting and graphic design standards that the mainstream book publishing industry requires. As a result, 98% of self-published books look like amateur jobs which fail to sell more than a handful of copies on Amazon.  Author house will ensure that the covers and internal design of your book will have the look of a potential bestseller.


Agora Books Author House also doesn’t sacrifice paper quality in your efforts to achieve that look for a potential bestseller.

Post-production Marketing

After Agora Books Author House has ensured that your book a high quality standard of production, the sky is the limit on the marketing services we can provide you if you seek author signings along with getting interviewed by influential bloggers and journalists on radio, newspapers, and TV. We can provide you both will online and offline marketing support.

Video on our Book Self-Publishing Services